Monday 20 June 2011

Dating Tips for Men #10: Cleanliness is coolness personified

 Do not check out other women. Even when done on the sly, women will pick it up. Nothing is more classy and warrior-like than a man who keeps his attention on the woman he's with regardless of who she is.
Dating Tips for Men #10: Cleanliness is coolness personified. Be sure that all areas of your body are clean and fresh. This includes your hair, ears, body, and especially your teeth. Bad breath, which is often caused by a dental or periodontal problem, is usually not noticeable by the person who has it. Nothing is more of a turn off than bad breath. If you haven't had your teeth cleaned in the last six months, get it done!
Dating Tips for Men #11: Hold your flattery. Save your compliments about her beauty for the right time. Although you might be intoxicated by her beauty, do not reveal the full extent of your feelings on your first few dates. Save that for the right moment several dates down the road. Just say, "You look very nice this evening." and leave it at that. In regard to sexual innuendoes, they have no place during the early stages of dating.
Dating Tips for Men #12: Put it in your autobiography. Don't tell her your whole life story and all your secrets right away. In fact, always try to maintain some degree of anonymity in some area of your personality or life, as it naturally provokes more excitement. Mystery is a mental aphrodisiac!
Dating Tips for Men #13: One night to stand. Do not expect to have sex on your first date. Consider these scenarios: If you do have long-term interest in a particular woman and your main focus is sex on the first date, her opinion of you will be lowered. If you do NOT have any long-term interest in a particular woman and she willingly has sex with you on the first date, she has probably done it before! Maybe several times, maybe hundreds of times! Having sex with a woman like this GREATLY increases the chances of you contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Here's my advice: Take the pressure off yourself and don't expect sex on the first date. This will enable you to more clearly evaluate the person and you'll have a better time.
Dating Tips for Men #14: Sex without full mutual agreement is rape. Do not pressure a woman to have sex. Regardless of how you feel about a particular woman, it is inappropriate to pressure a woman to have sex at anytime.
Dating Tips for Men #15: Patience equals unimaginable pleasure.. Do not rush a woman to have sex. If you're really interested in a long-term relationship with a particular woman, do NOT rush her to have sex with you based on any kind of "timetable." If you want to have the BEST sexual experience of your life, become best friends FIRST and then have sex. I assure you, it is worth the wait!
Dating Tips for Men #16: Romance is the key to receiving a woman's best. Women love romance! They need it in order to feel complete. It literally fulfills a part of their sexual needs. It's what they require for true satisfaction. So, include romance into your dating plans.
Dating Tips for Men #17: Be a creative romantic. The traditional methods for creating romance remain unchanged. These include buying her flowers, candy, jewelry, perfume, and romantic music; sending her love letters and notes; taking her to dinner at unique restaurants; taking her dancing at nightclubs; and taking her to movies, operas, or plays that depict a love story. The key to having the outcome that you want, however, is to come up with your own unique twists to these ancient practices. In other words, be CREATIVE!